Westwood Junior School's 1st group scored 107 (Jay) could their 2nd group beat it and/or Burrowmoor Primary School's highest score so far of 130 points…
Mauris vel tortor accumsan, faucibus orci non, varius turpis. Aenean ac eros libero. Quisque quis sapien in ante scelerisque volutpat. Cras et libero iaculis, consequat…
I think this was Burrowmoor School’s third EASTER CHALLENGE. Unfortunately (due to circumstances beyond their control) they arrived 20 minutes later than planned, but luckily…
Every spring and autumn the Isle of Ely Woman's Institute visit Play2Day to demonstrate their Ten Pin Bowling skills. They compete in the hope that their name…
(Just in case you missed the first two ARTICHOKE Fashion Show blogs you'll find the first here >http://play2daywis.users63.interdns.co.uk/2726/artichoke-fashion-show/ and the second here >http://play2daywis.users63.interdns.co.uk/2744/artichoke-fashion-show-photos_the-models/ Everyone's a…
I wrote a blog last night about yesterday's fantastic ARTICHOKE Fashion Show (>http://play2daywis.users63.interdns.co.uk/2726/artichoke-fashion-show/) with some photos and today found I had another 27 photos to…