LADIES NIGHT(6) at BOWL2DAY is next week, so you’ll need to get your tickets soon!
As usual we’ve a great mix of exciting stalls for your perusal and enjoyment – here’s 10 (yes ten!)
1. Gemstones
2. Cakes
3. Handbags
4. Jamie at Home
5. Jewellery
6. Bioflow, make-up and perfume
7. Beads
8. Scarves
9. Gifts
10. Avon
Your £10 ticket includes:
i. A game of 10 pin bowling
ii. A glass of wine
iii. A barbeque meal
Mustn’t forget the charitable bit. So far ladies, you’ve helped us raise over £500 for the Breast Care Cancer Charity Trust. A cause that’s important to all ladies.
If you haven’t booked yet, give us a call on 01945 450629 and look forward to fun night with friends.