
Ramnoth Jr School’s EASTER CHALLENGE

By March 8, 2013 No Comments

Good to see Ramnoth Junior School again…

They have joined our EASTER CHALLENGE many times before, so they must be expert Ten Pin Bowlers!

Miss Simpson and Mrs Hunt brought around 60 children but could they beat their last year’s highest score of 124 by Rhiannon?

Ramnoth Jr_Miss Simpson_Mrs Hunt

The highest scores on each lane were:

Lane 1: Samantha, 82

Lane 2: Greata, 93

Lane 3: Daniel, 95

Lane 4: Lukas, 105

Lane 6: Dawid (!), 93

Lane 7: Loki, 103

Lane 8: Natasha and Wiki, both  with 98

So, Ramnoth Junior Schoool’s EASTER CHALLENGE winner the year was Lukas with 105 points!

Easter Challenge logo_2013

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